Advanced Variety in the Iranian Concrete Industry

Products of the Prestressed Concrete Engineering Company

You can exclusively customize and purchase your desired product from the selection below.

Various Precast Concrete Components

The Prestressed Concrete Company can produce precast components in any quantity it chooses; products are made in accordance with customer specifications and the designs that are supplied.

Weighing Boxes

Precast base components (foundations) and reinforced concrete weighing scales with capacities of 24 and 45 tons are manufactured.

Precast Retaining Walls

Precast retaining walls of the Prestressed Concrete Company are created, produced, and placed in a range of heights for both traffic and non-traffic applications.

Precast Concrete Fencing Walls

To create a safe and useful space, two regions can be divided by concrete fencing walls.

Reinforced Concrete Barrier (New Jersey) with Joints

The primary purpose of the adaptable jointed concrete barrier (New Jersey) is to guarantee the security of thoroughfares, highways, and roadways.

Precast Non-Grade Separation Bridge

The use of precast non-grade separation bridges is growing as a result of vehicle traffic and urbanization. They offer a practical way to ensure efficient traffic movement in both urban and suburban locations.

Pre-Stressed Precast Beams

Pre-stressed precast beams are commonly utilized for major roads, highways, and metropolitan bridges. They are made in a pre-tensioned fashion.

Reinforced Concrete H-Piles

One of the most important parts of the electrical distribution network's equipment for distribution, transmission, and lighting are reinforced concrete H-piles.

Precast Concrete Box

The most recent recommendations from the Organization for Planning and Budget and the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development specify the precasting of reinforced concrete cube-shaped culverts, or concrete boxes.

Reinforced Concrete Pipes

Farm roads, rural bridges, surface water collection, and other applications all use reinforced concrete pipes with diameters of 800, 1000, and 1400 millimeters.

Prestressed Concrete Double-T Slabs

In the precast concrete industry, double-T section precast prestressed components are among the most often used profiles.

Concrete Septic Tanks

One of the most economical methods of treating wastewater is the use of concrete septic tanks.

Concrete Water Tanks

A novel process that blends precast and post-tensioned elements is used to create precast concrete water tanks.

Prestressed Concrete Beams

With special qualities like the capacity to cover greater distances than other concrete ceilings and the potential to speed up construction, prestressed concrete beams are a contemporary product in the building business.

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پل پیش ساخته غیر هم سطح
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